Whether you’re working from home, learning from home, or just staring at the wall, everyone right now has a little bit too much time on their hands.
In all seriousness, COVID-19 is a catastrophic pandemic that has indefinitely altered human life. In tough times like these, it’s very hard to remain optimistic. There are many people, myself included, who need to get out and keep busy to remain sane. I find that distraction is key; staring at the clock with hyper awareness of the time is what makes the minutes painstakingly longer.
Here are some fun, activities to revamp your wardrobe while stuck at home!
· Spring cleaning!
Now is the perfect time to get rid of all the stuff you know you’ll never wear. This will make your closet more organized, and you can either donate to local charities or give to friends the stuff you don’t want! It’s good for the environment, a great distraction, and helps you find clothes you probably forgot about!
· Cut it up!
Old T-shirts, long jeans, long sweatshirts – we all have those clothes that we love, but with a little tweaking, they’d be perfect. As someone who is barely 5’2, unless I buy cropped jeans, I always have to roll them! At my most recent job, my boss showed me how cool jeans look when you cut them to the right length. Cutting T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans to be cropped, intentionally ripped, or changed to a better length is a fun at-home activity to make you feel like you’ve bought a new wardrobe without spending a dime!
· Organize!
Whether you are organizing your closet by colour, occasion or style, it saves time, and looks great! Organizing this way always helps me pick outfits find that one black top I always misplace, and I love the fun element of a rainbow-decorated closet!
· Tie dye!
Grab that black t-shirt you’ve gotten bored of, because household bleach, when used on black clothing, turns orange! I used clorox - Proceed with caution, wear your crafting-clothes (because they may get a little dirty!) and tie up your item, carefully dipping or spraying the bleach on the clothes. Let it sit, wash it, and voila! New clothes!
Heres a photo of an old Roots sweatshirt that I cut up and dyed myself!
Image belongs to irisroselifestyle.wixsite.com/irisrosefashion/blog
In times of dire boredom, being productive is the best distraction. These activities will have you ready to strut this summer!
For some fashion inspo, check out the Instagram accounts of the stores I discuss in my blog post, Local Loves!
Stay safe my loves, and wash your hands!